July 23rd 2016 in a 700sqft box it was one man’s intention to work for himself and put on his favourite class for the local community.

Pay as you go classes, a floor, a speaker, some music and real hard work from anyone who wanted to join in. This quickly became the talk of the town. Now, four years later we’re proudly a CrossFit affiliate with a 3500sqft facility. Providing great quality coaching across the broad spectrum that is functional fitness.

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Our highlight of 2019 was entering 6 teams into the Turf Games Summer festival. The smallest gym by far with the most teams. A very proud moment for us. That day alone shows the strength and togetherness built at Talisman. This event inspired us to run our very own fitness competition. Talisman Wars 1 was on Sept 1st 2019. Video above.

Our Highlight of 2020 so far was our opening weekend on Feb 1st of the new space. It's just special. Come down and see for yourself :)

Our philosophy is simply to inspire. To help people become better versions of themselves. The gym walls may change but our values wont. We all know your name here, we do the basics right and we all care about you. That’s how it should be.